Da showing in Brome, Quebec with Graeme Burdon
Can CH Butternut All De Do Da Day CD
Errigal Ruari Ard Rhi Or x Errigal Hellin Kelly CD, CCA
6/17/06 — 3/9/17
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New Canadian Champion, shown by Graeme Burdon, Photo by Garth Gourlay
Da's GRCA CCA Title, Certificate of Conformation Assessment at 28 months old
Da's GRCA CCA Title, Certificate of Conformation Assessment at 28 months old
Winner’s Dog, Best of Opposite Sex, Owner Handled - Photo by Dean.
Da Tracking for TD Certification :: September 2011

Visiting Sun Bear Farm

First Place, Bred by Exhibitor
Hopkinton, NH July 2007
Photo by Fritz Clark
Hannah with Da at 2.5 years old :: Novemeber 2008 -- Johnson, VT
Puppy Da...
Da’s FATHER RORY :: Errigal Ruari Ard Rhi Or
(CH Destiny Kodiak Kidd x Errigal Aisling Or)
Da’s MOTHER KELLY :: Errigal Hellin Kelly CD, TDI, CCA
(Can CH Eaton's Eastshore Aureate NAC x Errigal Roaninish