:: Duncan :: In Loving Memory

Can CH Butternut Hill's Lincoln Duncan CCA

Can CH Butternut All De Do Da Day CD x Butternut Bridge To Success CD, RA, CCA 

DOB 8/31/09                    

— Retired — 

Duncan is a handsome, strong and the happiest-go-lucky boy ever.  He is 23 1/2" tall & weighs 75 lbs, lean and well muscled.  Duncan has full dentition and correct scissors bite.  He has easy to care for straight coat, medium-dark golden color, light blonde feathering, with correct amount of undercoat.  He has beautiful jet black pigment. Duncan is well balanced and moves beautifully. He is a tireless retriever on land and water. Duncan is a quick study and is always eager to please. But we most admire him for his phenomonal temperament, always happy, ready for play, ready to love, ready to engage.  Walk into the room and Duncan’s tail starts wagging.  All the while being calm and mellow. Duncan finished his Canadian Championship in 2 weekends, winning Best of Breed on his second day showing! Beautifully handled by Graeme Burdon, Duncan’s exuded his happiness to be at Graeme’s side.  Duncan is now neutered.  Although Duncan is DNA is Ichythyosis “affected, fortunately he has never had any dander or skin issues in his life, not even a hot spot! Duncan is enjoying retirement.  We are grateful to have his comical daughter, Piperwhom exudes Duncans happy attitude.

Best of Breed, handled by Graeme Burdon


Always a happy guy!


Love this sugarfaced Duncan!  Summer 2021


Senior Duncan still has his topline — September 2020 


Duncan is always at Dana’s side.


Puppy Duncan

Duncan’s Mother — Bridget

Butternut BridgeTo Success CD, RA, CCA


Duncan’s Father — Da

CanCH Butternut All De Do Da Day CD, CCA

Retrieve@ButternutGoldens.com                                                                                © Susan Menne 2024