Butternut Hill UnXpected Boon TD
DOB 6/18/2008 - 9/13/2023
Boon passed away at the ripe age of 15 early.
Boon will forever hold a special place in our hearts.
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We feel so fortunate to have Boon still a vital member of our family pack. We celebrated Boon turning 15 years old, June 17, 2023. She has slowed down some, but still loves being in the middle of it all, whether a ball game or going for ride and swim. She has a special role of being head puppy trainer. Boon loved being mother and was very good at it. She was a wonderful and attentive mother to her pups and grand pups. Loved to play and teach them. A video of her playing with her huge litter of 14 went viral arond the world and even made it onto the Ellen Degeneres Show! Check her video clip out: Butternut Goldens — Mother Playing WIth Her Pups.
Boon is a very pretty and solid girl, with lovely head, front and rear angles and excellent amount of bone. Her coat is straight, easy wash and wear — even after being spayed. She loves tracking, retrieving, swimming, and cuddling. Boon earned her TD tracking title in the of Fall 2012. She is mother to our Ginger, Grandmother to our Piper and great grandmother to our Padraig, Kimba & Lily, as well as great, great grandmother to Padraig’s puppies with Annie & Gina. She has been a wonderful gift and unexpected boo

Spring 2023

Early spring 2023, still enjoys being in the middle of the ball game.

Boon enjoying a refreshing swim at one of our favorite swimming hole

Happy Senior Boon, spring 2021
Boon loves swimming ~ Lake Willoughby, VT Summer 2010
Boon's Tracking Dog Title, Judges Ilene Morgan & Linda Morgan
Young Boon
Young Boon - 7 months old - January 2009 “Snow Shoe Companion”
:: PUPPY Boon ::
: : : : : : Boon’s Parents : : : : : :
Hannah & Da
Boon’s sire :: DA Can CH Butternut All De Do Da Day CD, CCA
Boon’s dam :: HANNAH Hunting Lane’s Happy Hannah RN, CCA